All Housing Ombudsman articles
Ombudsman highlights social landlords’ ‘poor communication’ with residents about adaptations
Watchdog highlights examples including landlords failing to implement timely home adaptations for a child receiving chemotherapy and for a tenant who was unable to wash herself for 14 months
Dozens of social landlords introduce data handling training following Ombudsman report
Almost half of responding staff to a survey have received training since Ombudsman criticised sector in 2023
Sage Homes 'extremely sorry' for failing to support vulnerable residents
For-profit landlord ’backed by Blackstone did not properly address the concerns of 18 tenants, finds Housing Ombudsman
Ombudsman’s first good practice guidance to focus on improving relationships between tenants and landlords
Landlords encouraged to learn from positive examples of resident engagement and complaint handling
Ombudsman warns social landlords to overcome ‘complacency’ towards dealing with hazards
Watchdog says providers often fail to ‘triage’ cases effectively
Ombudsman highlights ‘clear and common failings’ in social landlords' approach to ASB
Anti-social behaviour identified as second highest source of Ombudsman complaints
Review finds failings in Aster Group’s maintenance of ‘living roofs’
A review ordered by the Housing Ombudsman after detachment of roof planting finds lack of safety measures and irrigation systems
Ombudsman warns sector after issuing 10 landlords with multiple complaint failure orders in first quarter
Richard Blakeway frustrated over repeated Complaint Handling Failure Orders
Housing Ombudsman's orders against social landlords triple year-on-year
Blakeway made almost 22,000 recommendations to put things right in 2023/24
Landlords struggling with damp and mould repairs timescales, Ombudsman finds
The watchdog has shared more than 100 severe maladministration cases on damp and mould ahead of Awaab’s Law being introduced.
Ombudsman urges GreenSquareAccord to make further improvements to complaint handling
The Housing Ombudsman has told the housing association it needs to address the ‘root causes’ of complaints
Ombudsman launches special investigation into complaint-handling at Wandle Housing Association
The watchdog will examine its high maladministration rate to determine whether complaints are indicative of wider failure
Social landlords ‘may be more effective at resolving complaints from shared owners than from renters’, Ombudsman says
Watchdog highlights mismatch between high dissatisfaction of shared owners and level of complaints
Ombudsman report criticises landlords for poor handling of temporary moves to carry out repairs
Blakeway identifies communication, timing, and not following policies as key issues in the maladministration cases reviewed
Ombudsman tells Peabody to improve its approach to relocating tenants during repairs
Housing association has been urged to improve its decant policy, as well as its repairs and complaints handling
Ombudsman finds severe maladminstration at 13 social landlords due to window repair delays
In its latest report, the Ombudsman emphasises that window-related complaints are “increasingly of concern”
Housing Ombudsman launches probe into Lewisham Council over high maladministration rate
London authority self-referred to the Regulator of Social Housing in December last year over concerns about whether it was providing decent homes
Half of complaints referred to the Ombudsman are from social housing tenants in London
The Ombudsman acknowledges that the operating environment for social landlords in London is “vastly different” from other areas
A2Dominion focuses on changing repairs systems and patch sizes following Ombudsman ruling
The housing association has changed how it manages third-party contractors and reduced leasehold manager caseloads
In Focus
The challenge of defining vulnerability: how do social landlords deliver services that are responsive to tenants’ needs?
The Housing Ombudsman has raised concerns about the way social landlords are defining vulnerability. Olivia Barber speaks with housing sector experts about what landlords need to do to make their services agile