All build costs articles
Building costs higher than house prices in one in five areas, Housing Forum finds
A report from the cross-sector network estimates that building a new home costs more than £250,000, which is higher than local house prices in some areas
Peabody to scale back development ‘significantly’
Housing association boss says it will reduce short-term build plans in face of inflation as Catalyst merger is finalised
Regulator downgrades 14 more housing associations on viability
Latest batch of judgements brings total downgrades in recent weeks to 48 as regulator warns of lowered financial capacity
In Focus
The London problem: how rising costs are hitting the capital’s housing plans
The whole of the UK is facing an inflation-fuelled economic squeeze, but developers in London have little cushion to absorb build cost rises. Joey Gardiner looks at what this means for private and affordable delivery in the capital
Springfield pauses signing of new affordable housing contracts
Scottish housebuilder reports record results but bottom line hit by sharp cost increases in supply chain
Redrow profit drops due to fire safety hit
Pre-tax numbers fall 22% despite revenue growth in 2022 results and housebuilder flags ‘moderating’ market
Barratt profits slump on legacy repair costs
Housebuilder hails ‘excellent progress’ as revenue tops £5bn but recent trading hit by ‘macro-economic uncertainty’
Inland Homes founder steps down after shock profit warning
Stephen Wicks to retire as developer heading for £37m loss on construction over-runs and planning delays
G15 housing starts fall as supply chain pressures bite
Fewer starts on site in 2021/22 for major London associations even though previous year was affected by pandemic
What might a fair affordable rent settlement look like?
If rents are prevented from rising with inflation next year, as is now expected, social landlords must be permitted to claw money back at a later date, or investment will be hit, says Paul Hackett
Government to propose major cut to rent rises for affordable housing
Consultation due shortly on limiting 2023/24 rents to help struggling tenants, in move expected to hit development
Platform reports drop in housing completions
Midlands housing association says ongoing cost inflation may hit scale of already downgraded development programme
Moat misses build target but revenue rises
South east-based social landlord reports £181m turnover but feels impact of labour and materials squeeze
Taylor Wimpey interim profit up despite turnover dip
New chief exec says year end 2022 numbers now likely to be at top end of expectations
Barratt full-year profit set to be higher than expected
Housebuilder says completions return to pre-pandemic levels but build inflation now running at 9-10%
CPA cuts housing growth forecast
Latest prediciton shows impact of rising cost pressures and war in Ukraine
Crest Nicholson warns of Ukraine-related inflation amid strong sales
Housebuilder increases sales rate
Barratt says full year numbers will be ahead of expectations
However housebuilder sees completions drop in the first half and warns on further cladding costs
Mayor says build cost inflation hitting 45% on some London housing projects
Sadiq Khan says there will be ‘significant impact’ on affordable home building without government cash
Persimmon share price falls back as private reservations dip
Housebuilder also flags 5% build cost inflation and ‘frustrating’ planning delays