G15 calls for £15bn a year in AHP grant funding amid steep drop in starts


Starts on affordable homes in London have dropped by 76% compared to last year

G15 members and the Centre for London have called for the government to increase AHP grant funding to £15.1bn per year over the next 10 years to address the affordable housebuilding crisis.

The letter also proposes the establishment of an Affordable Housing Commission, which would put an end to “the short-termism that has dominated housing policy”, by setting housebuilding targets and holding the government accountable for delivering them.

The G15 and Centre for London, an independent think tank, sent the joint letter, signed by Fiona Fletcher-Smith, Chair of the G15 and chief executive of L&Q and Antonia Jennings, CEO of Centre for London to Michael Gove on 16 February.

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