All national housing federation articles
Homes England’s section 106 database welcome but ‘won’t fix fundamental problem’, warn HBF and NHF
MHCLG points to new Homes England database but sector bodies say lack of financial capacity is main factor holding housing associations back from bidding for affordable homes
Peabody’s Ian McDermott among three CEOs appointed to NHF board
The chief executives of Peabody, Torus and Curo have been selected to join the board as L&Q’s Waqar Ahmed departs
NHF appoints new finance director
Irfan Umraji takes over from Jackie Cunningham after her retirement
New NHF report urges social landlords to use data to make contact with residents count
The report says that landlords do not need to wait for IT solutions to make use of resident data
Government will miss 1.5 million homes target by almost a third without funding, the NHF and HBF warn
Research by Savills shows there there could be a shortfall of up to 95,000 new homes per year.
In Focus
Key takeaways and talking points from the Housing Community Summit
Thousands of housing professionals descended on ACC Liverpool this week for the Housing Community Summit, a new event hosted by the National Housing Federation and Chartered Institute of Housing. Here are the key talking points.
‘We need subsidy’ Liverpool HA boss tells Community Housing Summit as homelessness costs soar
Liverpool housing leaders discuss challenges in meeting housing need at joint NHF and CIH event in the city
Sector’s leaders welcome Labour government’s ‘clear commitment’ to housing in King’s Speech
Amid positive reactions to the new government’s legislative focus on housing, experts have stressed that planning isn’t the only issue to be fixed and that it’s now time for action
In partnership
Our chance to ensure the manifesto promises of our new government are put into action
The new Housing Community Summit in Liverpool in September offers the first opportunity to bring the whole housing sector together after polling day, writes Gavin Smart and Kate Henderson
With support from the next government, HAs can build on their growing confidence in using MMC
Research by Building Better and the NHF suggests the sector is maturing and grappling with the practicalities of MMC delivery, writes Trina Chakravarti
More than half of social landlords missing 100% gas safety compliance target, Housemark survey finds
The housing data specialist’s figures also show that complaint volumes have risen by almost a fifth
CIH and NHF publish 12 ‘guiding principles’ for repairs and maintenance
Cross-sector working group set up by sector bodies produces principles and shares case studies
Bolstered CPO powers for local councils come into force
Changes welcomed by NHF but controversial among developers
NHF’s smaller housing association network appoints new chair
Chief of Cumbria-based RP picked to lead organisation
DLUHC extends rent settlement for social landlords until 2026
NHF continues to call on the government to introduce a 10-year rent settlement
Social housing providers ‘not yet ready for Ombudsman’s complaint-handling code’ says Housemark
The housing data specialist, Housemark, has found that housing providers are still reporting low complaint volumes
Conservative MPs set to revolt against government plans to criminalise rough sleeping
Over 40 Conservative MPs to vote against legislation
Building 90,000 new social homes a year ‘could boost British economy by £50bn’
Ahead of the general election, the NHF and Shelter are urging political parties to commit to a long-term plan which prioritises social housing
Only one in six councils are using rural exception sites to boost social housing supply
Rural exception sites allow land for housing developments to be provided at below market value
DLUHC must move beyond ‘piecemeal tweaks’ and think long-term, say housing associations
Sector says Michael Gove’s reforms announced this week are not sufficient to solve the housing crisis