Just 18% of respondents to the Housing the Nation survey think politicians understand the challenge of getting on the housing ladder

The majority of the British public believe the government is responsible for fixing the housing crisis, but fewer than one in five people think politicians understand the challenges facing young people trying to get on the property ladder, according to a new survey. 

The Housing the Nation survey, published by the Home Builders Federation (HBF), reveals that 72% of the respondents believe responsibility for solving the housing crisis sits most heavily with the government, followed by local councils (16%).


Only 55% of respondents think that solving the housing crisis is a priority for politicians, with 18% of respondents agreeing that politicians truly understand the challenges young people face in getting on the housing ladder. 

The research also reveals that 80% of respondents are supportive or not averse to new homes being built in their local area. A majority (72%) were worried about the prospects of future generations in relation to the housing market. 

More than 40% of respondents agree with the statement ‘Housing will be an important factor in determining who I vote for at the next General Election’.

>>See also: Homes England’s ‘strategic partnerships’ have not added value, says government review

>> See also: Strategic partnerships and the mysterious case of London’s missing affordable homes

“Despite the chronic need for more homes, housing supply is falling as a direct result of the policy approach taken by our political leaders. The evidence is now clear; the government can no longer ignore the housing crisis facing people across the country,” Stewart Baseley, executive chairman at HBF, said in a statement.

“People generally are accepting of the need to build more homes and elected representatives need to ensure they are representing all the people in their communities, not just a vocal NIMBY minority. Politicians need to step up and provide the leadership that will allow us to deliver the homes we desperately need.”