All devolution articles
Rayner urges council leaders in ‘devolution deserts’ to take on new powers
The government wants to hand over more powers to manage housing, planning and transport to those with “skin in the game”
Northern Housing Consortium sets out offer for new partnership with the next government
The NHC key asks of the next government include 10-year funding deals for regeneration and retrofit
CIH Northern Ireland says budget cuts are a ‘devastating blow’ to social housing development
The Department for Communities annual capital budget has been cut by a further 38%
North East council leaders sign devolution deal
The deal will give the mayoral combined authority housing powers and will make available £100m in funding, including £37m of flexible funding for brownfield remediation
In Focus
North East Housing Partnership: using strategic sites and aligning funding to build more affordable homes
A total of 17 social landlords have come together to form a group aimed at boosting affordable housing delivery in the North-east. Olivia Barber finds out more.
North-east social landlords form partnership as region agrees devolution deal
17 social housing providers join forces to use newly devolved housing powers to tackle the housing crisis
WMCA drafts in L&G executive as interim housing director
Combined authority hires John Godfrey to lead on brownfield development push
Full housing devolution to metro mayors to take until 2026
Homes England set to retain role in both Manchester and West Midlands after devolution, unlike in London
Burnham optimistic about ‘London-style’ housing funding powers for GM
Mayor says devolution over housing development grant funding is “coming through” its negotiations with Whitehall