All Chartered institute of housing articles
10-year rent settlement would generate extra £13bn for social landlords over a decade, CIH and Savills find
Decade-long settlement would cumulatively generate £72bn over 30 years for social landlords, compared to £37bn for the government’s proposed five-year arrangement
Looking ahead to 2025: positivity about government’s housing ambitions, but will it all come together?
The new Labour government has made welcome announcements to boost housing supply, writes Rachael Williamson. But will the necessary investment, skills and capacity coalesce quickly enough?
In Focus
‘My push has always been to give young people a chance’: Geraldine Howley on inclusivity and inspiring the next generation
The outgoing chair of the Chartered Institute of Housing has spent the past 40 years striving to make the sector more inclusive while inspiring young talent to join. As part of Housing Today’s Every Person Counts campaign, she talks about her journey
CIH announces names of members for new Equality, Diversion and Inclusion board
Membership body appoints 12 to new board to advise on EDI strategy
CIH hires Rachael Williamson as interim policy director
Williamson steps into role while professional body seeks to fill position on permanent basis
In Focus
‘I never feel like I’ve done enough’… High-flying Elly Hoult talks about her career so far and her plans as CIH president
The Peabody deputy chief executive shares her journey from leaving school at 16, how her experiences shaped her and why she wants more people to ‘choose housing’
Elly Hoult announces CIH presidential campaign
Professional body’s new leader aims to make social housing a ‘career of choice’
Shift subsidy to supply to bring down housing benefit spend, says CIH
But fiscal benefits could take years to be realised
CEO of Irish housing association officially becomes chair of CIH
John Hannigan officially appointed chair of governing body, succeeding Geraldine Howley
Reflecting on an EPIC presidential year
Jill Murray’s Chartered Institute of Housing’s presidential term comes to an end next week. Here she reflects on the past 12 months
Rebadged Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to re-open for applications next week
The government will also shortly consult on proposals for private and social rented homes to achieve EPC by 2030
In Focus
Key takeaways and talking points from the Housing Community Summit
Thousands of housing professionals descended on ACC Liverpool this week for the Housing Community Summit, a new event hosted by the National Housing Federation and Chartered Institute of Housing. Here are the key talking points.
‘We need subsidy’ Liverpool HA boss tells Community Housing Summit as homelessness costs soar
Liverpool housing leaders discuss challenges in meeting housing need at joint NHF and CIH event in the city
CIH calls for more capital funding in Northern Ireland as social housing development hits decade low
The institute’s new report urges the Northern Ireland Assembly to prioritise social housing development and lobby for a dedicated housing decarbonisation fund for Northern Ireland
The new energy price cap means we must look again at a social energy tariff
Ofgem has today announced an increase in the energy price cap. This strengthens the case for a social tariff, argues Matthew Scott
Chartered Institute of Housing to establish new equality, diversity and inclusion board
The board will help to set a strategic direction for all future EDI initiatives at CIH
Sector’s leaders welcome Labour government’s ‘clear commitment’ to housing in King’s Speech
Amid positive reactions to the new government’s legislative focus on housing, experts have stressed that planning isn’t the only issue to be fixed and that it’s now time for action
HRA debt reduction of £17bn needed to tackle council underinvestment in housing, new report finds
Report by CIH and Savills calls for a re-opening of the 2012 local authority self-financing settlement