Interview: Andrew Matthews, Proctor & Matthews

Andrew Matthews

The acclaimed architect discusses distinctive places, design and build, and developing communities to combat loneliness

Design quality looks to be back on the housing agenda. We have a government-backed commission on beauty, Homes England’s commitment to promoting design and quality, new developer players bringing fresh thinking, and a new report from four architectural practices that outlines how such elusive qualities as beauty, character and community can be achieved in new housing.

One of the architects behind the report is Proctor & Matthews, whose thoughtful, contextual schemes, like Countryside Properties’ Abode, in Cambridge, have won plaudits from homebuyers and judges of architectural awards. Director Andrew Matthews, who founded the practice with fellow director Stephen Proctor, sees potential opportunities for architects in the government’s positive approach to design. But he argues that government also needs to drive change in the structure and procurement practice of the housebuilding industry if it is to embed design quality in delivery.

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