All inflation articles
Scottish regulator warns of ‘systemic failure’ to deliver homelessness services
The organisation says the last year has been the most challenging for social housing since the Scottish Housing Regulator was formed in 2012
G15 chair writes to Gove to rebut claims of ‘widespread abuse of service charges’ by social landlords in London
Fiona Fletcher-Smith wrote to Gove regarding ‘comments and accusations’ made against housing associations in a letter from Sir George Howarth MP
DLUHC extends rent settlement for social landlords until 2026
NHF continues to call on the government to introduce a 10-year rent settlement
House sales up 17% compared to a year ago, says Zoopla
Cash buyers expected to account for a third of all house sales this year, as higher mortgage rates bite
House prices stabilised in September, says Nationwide
Nationwide reports no change month-on-month but prices are still 5.3% down on the same period last year
Build-to-rent growth slows in the first quarter of this year
Growth of build to rent sector now twice as fast in the regions as in London
Peabody to scale back development ‘significantly’
Housing association boss says it will reduce short-term build plans in face of inflation as Catalyst merger is finalised
House prices flat in September as inflation soars
Official figures show annual growth in value of homes now outpaced by spiralling inflation
‘Era of low interest is over’ as BoE raises base rate to 3%
The bank predicts the UK economy will be in recession through 2023 and the first half of 2024
Build-to-rent pipeline grows despite signs sector is slowing
Sector would benefit from ‘standardised planning approach’ says British Property Federation director
Private housing output bucks trend as heat and inflation slow construction
Latest ONS figures show weak performance across most sector including public housing
Metropolitan Thames Valley’s surplus falls 33% following tower block fire costs
57,000-home housing association’s balance sheet hit by multiple factors, including increased operating costs and a fall in home sales