All Housing articles – Page 2
Yorkshire Housing boosts pre-tax surplus by 80%
The 18,900-home housing association said it has had to ‘flex’ its development programme due to the economic conditions, but is on track to meet its building target.
Pennycook ‘convinced’ 1.5 million homes are deliverable but won’t commit to annual targets
Housing minster tells MPs he can’t provide a figure for the number of affordable or social rent homes to be delivered within the 1.5 million homes target
Southern Housing names new chief financial officer
Current CFO Sarah Smith will stand down in May
Newly-formed West Midlands housing partnership appoints contractors for first affordable housing scheme
The partnership launched by West Midlands mayor Richard Parker has selected two framework contractors to deliver new affordable homes
Review finds failings in Aster Group’s maintenance of ‘living roofs’
A review ordered by the Housing Ombudsman after detachment of roof planting finds lack of safety measures and irrigation systems
University of Cambridge considers doubling size of development to 6,000 homes
University looking at increasing density of Eddington scheme
Sovereign Network Group appoints Guy Slocombe from Hyde to senior role
Former City banker Slocombe will take up chief investment and development officer position, replacing Tom Titherington
Peabody’s Ian McDermott among three CEOs appointed to NHF board
The chief executives of Peabody, Torus and Curo have been selected to join the board as L&Q’s Waqar Ahmed departs
Sadiq Khan set to appoint Karen Buck as chair of London development corporation
Former MP Karen Buck will be responsible for spearheading the delivery of tens of thousands of affordable homes near the new Old Oak Common HS2 station.
Wolverhampton Council and English Cities Fund submit plans for city centre redevelopment
Plans unveiled for first 331-home phase of 1,000-home masterplan
Retirement Villages Group gets green light for 144-home Epping Forest scheme
Epping Forest District Council has granted the AXA-owned developer permission to deliver an over-65s development in Chigwell
Gleeson ‘on track’ to increase profit despite ‘lack of conviction’ in market
The housebuilder forecasts completing 1,862 new homes and achieve a £28.1m pre-tax profit this year
Scottish government to launch 'planning hub' in the new year
The Scottish government will offer 30 bursaries for postgraduate studies in planning in 2025/26
Voluntary sector ‘at capacity’ housing record 4,146 migrants in 2023/24
The No Accommodation Network has warned of a “shocking increase in destitution and homelessness” over the past year
Three more Scottish social landlords identify RAAC in their homes
Scottish Housing Regulator data reveals that a total of 16 landlords have now found RAAC in their homes.
Orbit Group sells 250 homes as part of ongoing stock rationalisation strategy
B3Living has acquired the homes, which are located in Hertfordshire and Essex
‘Focus on funding homelessness prevention’, irate Big Issue founder tells MPs before leaving hearing early
Lord John Bird says that until government spends money on prevention “we’re screwed” before walking out of rough sleeping inquiry session
Nine housing associations re-issued with ‘V2’ financial viability grade following stability checks
All of the housing associations assessed so far kept their existing financial viability grades
Northern Irish housing bodies welcome extra £24m for social housing, but warn ‘significant gap’ remains
A total of £68m in capital funding will be allocated to social housing, water infrastructure, and tackling rural poverty.
Ombudsman warns sector after issuing 10 landlords with multiple complaint failure orders in first quarter
Richard Blakeway frustrated over repeated Complaint Handling Failure Orders