Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
A House of Lords committee said Whitehall’s plan for MMC is in ‘disarray’. Carl Leaver outlines what government should do to boost volumetric modular
In a letter to Michael Gove on Friday, the House of Lords’ Built Environment Committee summarised the interim findings of its inquiry into modern methods of construction (MMC). I was invited to give evidence to the inquiry in my role as chair of TopHat and I agree with many of its conclusions.
It has been an extraordinary few years for a nascent industry with relatively high fixed costs: the pandemic, followed by a supply chain crunch, a war in Ukraine leading to rampant inflation, a dysfunctional planning system and a significant house-building recession. In addition, there have been some missteps in the sector and there have been a number of high-profile failures.
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