Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Trusted media brand of the Chartered Institute of Housing
Following a shareholder protest over female board representation at Barratt, chief executive David Thomas explains what Britain’s largest housebuilder is doing to improve inclusivity
Last month we had a new chief executive at Barratt. I stepped down for the day as part of the build-up to International Day of the Girl on the 11 October. Fifteen-year-old Qahira joined us as the company’s new CEO, touring sites and helping to launch this year’s Barratt Catalyst programme, supporting women to fulfil their career goals and aspirations.
Why did we do this? Role models play a vital part in inspiring young people to realise their full potential. We were the first major housebuilder to take part in Plan International UK’s Girls Takeover programme, joining the likes of Credit Suisse, AstraZeneca and the Financial Times. They have all used it to help challenge gender stereotypes and showcase the variety of roles across their organisations.
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