Planning does not need to be so divisive

Robin Shepherd reduced colour (002)

’Co-creation’ of schemes, with communities playing a part, can be a real solution to bringing forward development that everybody can get behind, writes Robin Shepherd

It has been good to see planning becoming a more ‘mainstream’ issue over the last few years. The more people who engage in planning at a national and local level, the better. We face unprecedented challenges as a society, a country and as a planet – but are better off when everyone has a say in how we plan for our future.

But rather than being a solution, planning has become so divisive, it is in danger of becoming part of the problem, especially when it comes to addressing the housing crisis.

Something has gone wrong when people consider providing badly needed homes as an issue which should be avoided, when politicians in town halls are faced with a choice between delivering homes or keeping their seat. Unless it is fixed, it will bring the housing sector to a complete standstill – damaging our communities, the economy, the environment and beyond.

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