All Angela Rayner articles
Rayner gives green light to 165-home Berkeley scheme previously blocked by Gove
Housing secretary judges harm to natural beauty to be limited
Birmingham City Council calls for increased grant funding for temporary accommodation alternatives
The local authority will write to Angela Rayner urging her to create a long-term homelessness strategy that includes more funding for social housing and temporary accommodation alternatives
Burnham calls for government to cover upfront costs of remediating 157 unsafe high rises in Manchester
The mayor of Greater Manchester has urged the government to pay for the work now and charge the property sector later
Labour’s planning reforms have ‘given hope’ to housebuilders, says HBF chief
Industry welcomes reforms to NPPF announced by Angela Rayner
Flagship Affordable Homes Programme set to deliver as few as 110,000 homes
Angela Rayner calls for ‘council house revolution’ to fix crisis
Rayner announces new target of 370,000 homes as she reveals plan for NPPF changes
Figure is result of new method for calculating housing need, housing secretary explains
Social landlords in Northern Ireland warn ‘we will be lucky to deliver 500 new homes this year’
The letter to Angela Rayner says housing in Northern Ireland is at crisis point and welcomes Labour’s plan to ‘turbocharge’ development
Rayner urges council leaders in ‘devolution deserts’ to take on new powers
The government wants to hand over more powers to manage housing, planning and transport to those with “skin in the game”