What changes to government policy would you like to see that would allow you to build more homes?

  • Clarification over its intentions for the post-2025 rent settlement. A long-term inflation-linked rent settlement is crucial for our long-term development pipeline
  • Greater levels and availability of funding for retrofitting homes to increasing standards of energy efficiency
  • An increase in development grant rates – despite recent increases, these are still low by historical standards
  • Reforms to streamline, modernise, digitise and standardise the planning process to provide more certainty for developers
  • The removal of VAT from fire safety remediation works to maximise the value of resources being invested in these works.

Any other comment on the current housing development landscape?

The overriding feeling is one of flux and uncertainty with key points of uncertainty including:

  • For new development, build cost increases combined with growing contractor insolvency is and will reduce starts and completions
  • The impact of the proposed Infrastructure Levy on the provision of affordable housing – specifically whether it is capable of delivering the same volume